Our Clients are Real Life Heroes
They are faithful champions of God's work in the world. We are grateful to be a partner and guide.
Augsburg College, Minneapolis MN
Augustana Care, Minneapolis MN
Augustana University, Sioux Falls SD
Avinity Senior Living, Richfield MN
Bellis, Minneapolis MN
Be the Match Foundation, Minneapolis MN
Bethlehem Foundation, Minneapolis MN
Beyond New Beginnings, Chaska MN
Charlson Meadows, Victoria MN
Community Giving, St Cloud MN
Duke Lutherans, Durham NC
Every Meal, Roseville MN
Global Health Ministries, Fridley MN
Hagar International, Charlotte NC
Humanity Alliance, Victoria MN
International Association for Refugees, St Paul MN
Jordan Crossing, Plymouth MN
Launch Ministry, Chaska MN
Lutheran Campus Ministry, Austin TX
Lutheran Campus Ministry, Madison WI
Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry, Minneapolis MN
Lutheran Summer Music, Minneapolis MN
Lutheran World Relief, Baltimore MD
Minnehaha Academy, Minneapolis MN
NAMI Westside, Los Angeles, CA
North American Lutheran Seminary, Ambridge PA
Norway House, Minneapolis MN
Opportunity Partners, Hopkins MN
Pals Family Foundation, Plymouth MN
Prairie Care Fund, Brooklyn Park MN
Project Diva, Minneapolis MN
Range of Motion Project, Denver CO
Reach for Resources, Minnetonka MN
Siebert Lutheran Foundation, Milwaukee WI
Shobi's Table, St Paul MN
Valley Senior Living, Grand Forks ND
Women of the ELCA, Chicago IL

Camp Aldersgate, North Scituate, RI
Camp Amnicon, South Range WI
Green Lake Lutheran Ministries, Spicer MN
Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp, Milford IA
Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp, Amery WI
Lutheran Lakeside Camp, Spirit Lake IA
Luther Crest Bible Camp, Alexandria MN
Mount Carmel Ministries, Alexandria MN
Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries, Ashland NE
Pathways Bible Camps, Moorhead MN
Advent Lutheran Church, Maple Grove MN
All Saints Lutheran Church, Minnetonka MN
Augustana Lutheran Church, Denver CO
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities, MN
Calvary Lutheran Church, Grand Forks ND
Christ on Capitol Hill Lutheran Church, St Paul MN
Faith Lutheran Church, Spicer MN
FaithPoint Lutheran Church, New Prague MN
Grace Lutheran Church, Andover MN
Grace Lutheran Church, Apple Valley MN
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, New Prague MN
Immanuel Lutheran Church, St Paul MN
Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Maple Grove MN
Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Rochester MN
Nativity Lutheran Church, St Paul MN
Olivet Lutheran Church, Fargo ND
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Circle Pines MN
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Moorhead MN
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, East Bethel MN
Peace Lutheran Church, Coon Rapids MN
Peace Lutheran Church, New London MN
Resurrection Lutheran Church, St Joseph MN
St John's Lutheran Church, Annandale MN
St Luke Lutheran Church, Goodhue MN
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, Prior Lake MN
Tripolis Lutheran Church, Kandiyohi MN
Zion Lutheran Church, Buffalo MN

Your Next Steps
Let's talk about your heroic work in the world

Talk with Brenda
Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation with Brenda Moore

Set Up a Plan
Allow Brenda to create a plan that is customized to your specific needs

Reach Your Goals
Work together with Brenda to implement your plan and grow your minsitry